Deciphering Culture


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Reposting a reposting from OWNI of a great, short article on the sine qua non for fostering creative work by Mathilde Berchon on L’Atelier. The bottom line lessson: “what makes innovative ideas happen is mainly interaction and personal development.”

Keys for Innovation: Force Ideas, Be Creative and Feel Good at Work

The best companies leverage their  employees’ creativity and capacity to generate development strategies. Google, Pixar, Ideo: three California giants that strongly encourage and listen to the ideas that come from the trenches. And technology plays a large role in that process.

As Jeff Lawson, CEO of Twilio, explained at the last TEDxSoMa conference: “Don’t wait for the big idea!” Process, workshops and analysis grids help to find new and consistent ideas. His 3-step program (1. brainstorm, 2. map/reduce, 3. matrix) is an efficient way to generate a lot of ideas and determine better ones.

Jonathan Mann, musician and troubadour who writes a song a day – a fresh and funny look at technology (listen to “Cloud Computing for Beginners” or “Bing goes the Internet“) – since January 1st, 2009, shares this point of view: inspiration is rare, even for the most creative people. You have to force it to make ideas happen.

Mindmapping tools, to-do lists and note-sharing utilities like Evernote are useful but what makes innovative ideas happen is mainly interaction and personal development. (To read the rest, click here…)

Written by Jeffrey Callen

June 30, 2010 at 10:59 am

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  1. Thanks for the repost, Jeffrey. Reading your blog made me miss the days I was an undergrad writing about Zappa/postmodernism, trying to wrap my non-musical mind around music theory.


    July 1, 2010 at 7:26 pm

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